Thursday, November 15, 2007

First post!

I had a dream last night. I won't go into the specifics of the dream as that's for somewhere that isn't here. The important part is that I woke up while my brain was in mid-tirade about bits in bread. You know the stuff I'm talking about, like Mighty White (which, according to Yahoo answers, does still exist). It was a tirade on how it's an affront to all the effort that has been put into the development of the milling process that produces fine flour without leftover husks and other assorted bits of crap that would otherwise make the bread unpalatable. Who the hell was having a slice of bread and thought to themselves "This would be so much better if it was full of hamster food that could get stuck in my teeth"?

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 1: In the episode of the Simpsons that was aired on Channel 4 last night (A hunka hunka Burns in love), Mr Burns uses words from the poem "Jabberwocky" twice. Check the Wikipedia link for more details.
