Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Creeping ever closer

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 94: Another one from Rachel. This time it's an Alice calendar. No word on where she found it, but a quick Google search turns this up.

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 95: Bizarre magazine have come up with a holiday gift guide full of strange and interesting things. One of which is a lovely Alice necklace from Temporary: Secretary.

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 96: Finally, I was once again using the Stumbleupon toolbar and came across a page full of complex sand sculptures. I was about to navigate away from it, when I realised what the subject of one of the pictures was meant to be.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Eating only apples

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 93: The summary for a recent Slashdot story about the Apple/Psystar conflict finished with "As Alice in Wonderland might put it, "It gets interestinger and interestinger."" (taken from the article itself).