Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Please please please

So, considering this is a blog about culture and how I often focus on the connections and references inherent in culture, a TED talk on memetics is something I just couldn't pass up. Susan Blackmore's talk is stunning and it will really make you think about culture and why exactly certain things have come about. When I think of a meme, I think about things that propagate the internet. I think of images and inside jokes and references that only a select few understand. But really, memes are all around us. Every culture is built on mimicry. No wonder I've managed to be so prolific at simply spotting these imitations!

Alice in popular culture sighting no. 57: In a scene in This is England where the gang take a football from some Asian kids, Combo refers to two of them as "Tweedledum and Tweedledee".